Kris Pister is an engineering professor at U.C. Berkeley, and is best-known for his work on smart dust. He's also founder and CTO of Dust Networks.
In answer to the Wired question, Kris suggested two terms:
Luke Hughes from Accenture calls it Reality Online, which I like because it emphasizes that this isn't about imposing computers on our view of the world, but rather imposing or presenting the world on/to the computers. You and I still do what we normally do, and the world becomes a lot smarter about how it interacts with us, not the other way around.
The second term was uberDustenWissenshaftsVergnugen, which mean, more or less, "everywhere dust scholarship amusement" (try plugging that into one of those online translation programs!), though I'm hopeful that someone will suggest a better translation. (On the other hand, "Dusten" isn't German, so this more an Anglo-Germanic hybrid– High Tech + High Saxon, perhaps.)
Earlier suggestions:
Luke Hughes: Reality Online
David Sifry: Cyberspace
Andy Clark: Interactatron
John Seely Brown: The Infomated World
Ross Mayfield: On and Catalink
…plus many others in the Wired article
Technorati Tags: cyberspace, language, pervasive computing, ubicomp