Forbes has a good interview with Quiet Place creator Amitay Tweeto. Amitay has a nice shout-out to my project, but mainly I want to call attention to some smart things he says:

When I created the quiet place project, I had a sense that we’re in an era that changes everything, and fast. With the new social media that Facebook gave us, I learned that there is a side-effect that no one really bothers to check. The social noise that we take for granted is affecting so many young folks that don’t even know that there is other way to live a life….

I get a lot of, “So why do you have a Facebook page?” complaints. But the idea is not to stop Facebook, I’m not against it at all, it’s a great tool for spreading your word and to reach many people in a short period of time. But I am against the idea that the younger generation don’t even see it as a tool, but as a way of life. I was shocked at first to learn that people actually needed the quiet place….

We are always talking about social media. And although there are many persons in this term, there is nothing personal about it. It relates to people as a group instead of an individual.