"I’m surprised that that I like coding on flights," software engineer Sef Kloninger confesses. Despite the fact that plenty of people work on planes, the skies are generally not seen as that friendly to focus (for physical reasons alone, at least). But for someone who has to manage and group and therefore be constantly interrupable, "the lack of interruptions and distractions" is a blessing. Further,

When I code unplugged [away from wifi and the Internet], I code differently. I have to be self-sufficient. Instead of just looking things up on StackOverflow, I take 20% more time to figure it out myself. That’s much more satisfying! It’s just not that hard to rummage through the Django code or try things out in iPython.

I have a similar experience of doing some of my best work on planes, and I explain in a chapter of The Distraction Addiction why this is so.