Toby Daniels, the CEO of Crowdcentric, makes the case for building purpose into every action:

Our interactions are becoming more robotic and stiff. Our social connections have evolved into habit, bordering on addiction for many…. Our 24/7 connection to the digital world often disconnects us from the real world around us — from our physical surroundings, from our loved ones, and especially from ourselves. We become over-stimulated and thus, have less resources to devote to what’s really important to us, our goals, and our relationships…. We get distracted. We get bored. We lose sight of our end goal. We forget we have an end goal. In all its glory, tech and social have become distractions for us.

So, what would happen if we lived with more intention — tried to be more human in this age of digital technology?

I talk about both software and rules for more mindful social media practices in my book, He argues that well-designed tools can "help us establish a disciplined routine for social media engagement, optimize our day with cognitive mapping tools, and develop more meaning into our relationships." He suggests Couple (which sounds somewhat like the Korean app Between, in that it's meant for couples) and Mailbox, neither of which I've any experience with, but which I'm now curious to try.