Over the last couple years the Financial Times has run some of the best articles on the 4-day week (as well as columns on the importance of rest in innovation and the value of routines, but I’m highly biased).
This week Emma Jacobs published a long read on the 4-day week trial in the UK, and she and Isabel Berwick have a four-part podcast series on the FT’s Working It:
Part 1, “Rethinking our working hours”
Part 2, “What employees have to say”
Part 3, “What the experts say”
Park 4, “Does it work?”
It’s all worth checking out, and from a media analysis standpoint, one thing that’s notable is the this is a series that’s entirely devoid of the “news of the weird” quality that coverage could have a year or two ago. Of course, simply being in the Financial Times is a signal of seriousness; but now people are writing about the 4-day week the way business or tech writers talk about 5G or the gig economy or supertankers.
Another sign that it’s moving from the margins of business conversation to the center!