
“The 4-day week in a pandemic world: resilience, work-life balance, and the future of work”

This Friday at 1500 GMT (0700 US Pacific, 1000 US Eastern), I'm giving a talk to the Design Business Association's London chapter about "The 4-day week in a

By |2021-07-26T10:40:11-07:00July 21st, 2020|4-day workweek, Business and work, Design, Events, Media, Pandemic, SHORTER, Talks|Comments Off on “The 4-day week in a pandemic world: resilience, work-life balance, and the future of work”

The Atlantic: Making the case for reopening with a 4-day week

In today's Atlantic I have an essay arguing for reopening businesses on a 4-day week. The argument has two parts. First, offices have proved to be a significant

Visit to Cockroach Labs

On Tuesday I went to New York to meet with SHORTER'S American editor and publicity team about the release of the book. (Fortunately, events like the UK general

By |2020-11-19T23:01:49-08:00November 7th, 2019|4-day workweek, Architecture and Environment, Business and work, Companies, Design, SHORTER|Comments Off on Visit to Cockroach Labs
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