
The 4-day week on TED Ideas

My latest article about the 4-day week is now out on the TED Ideas Web site. In recent decades, globalization, outsourcing, automation, digitization and, most recently, the rise

By |2021-12-22T15:53:42-08:00July 9th, 2021|4-day workweek, Business and work, Future, Pandemic, Top post, Writing|Comments Off on The 4-day week on TED Ideas

Iceland is conducting the world’s biggest experiment in shorter working hours

Three years ago when I started writing SHORTER, it was a challenge to find companies that had moved to 4-day workweeks. They were out there, but they tended

By |2021-07-05T12:50:37-07:00July 5th, 2021|4-day workweek, Business and work|1 Comment

“we realized people needed more — something structural that they didn’t have to ask for”

Soo Youn at the Washington Post writes about what companies are doing to deal with (or better yet, head off) employee burnout as they try to get back

By |2021-07-06T08:49:14-07:00July 1st, 2021|Business and work|Comments Off on “we realized people needed more — something structural that they didn’t have to ask for”

Toyota Gothenburg and the shorter (blue collar) workweek

One of the questions people regularly ask about the 4-day week is whether it's just something that professional and creatives can implement, or whether care workers, blue collar

By |2021-06-25T14:44:51-07:00June 25th, 2021|4-day workweek, Business and work|Comments Off on Toyota Gothenburg and the shorter (blue collar) workweek

Marketplace talks about the 4-day week

I’m briefly on an NPR Marketplace segment about the 4-day week. A shortened workweek could become more common in industries where competition for talent is intense, said Alex

By |2021-06-25T09:53:22-07:00June 25th, 2021|4-day workweek, Business and work, Media|Comments Off on Marketplace talks about the 4-day week

Spanish telco Telefonica will trial 4-day week in fall 2021

On the heels of the Valencia proposal to trial a 4-day week, Spanish phone company Telefonica now says it will trial a 4-day week from October to December,

By |2021-06-23T16:39:47-07:00June 23rd, 2021|4-day workweek, Business and work, Companies|Comments Off on Spanish telco Telefonica will trial 4-day week in fall 2021

“If you want to move to a 32h week and still be successful, you’ll have to master one thing first:” Wildbit’s 4-day week

Wildbit is a Philadelphia-based software firm that implemented that a 4-day week in 2017; it's one of the companies I talk about in SHORTER, after I spent some

By |2021-06-15T16:00:02-07:00June 15th, 2021|4-day workweek, Advice, Business and work, Companies|Comments Off on “If you want to move to a 32h week and still be successful, you’ll have to master one thing first:” Wildbit’s 4-day week

Amy Porterfield talks about trialing a 4-day week

Amy Porterfield is an ecommerce and online marketing expert, and a real blue-flame thinker about small business: her work helped me see (from my hyper-scale, growth-at-all-costs Silicon Valley perch)

By |2021-06-11T11:13:56-07:00June 11th, 2021|4-day workweek, Business and work|Comments Off on Amy Porterfield talks about trialing a 4-day week

Talking about the 4-day week on KQED Forum

I was on KQED's Forum today, talking about the 4-day week. There was quite the all-star lineup: Charlotte Lockhart, Leena Yousefi (whose law firm YLaw is trialing a

By |2021-05-04T11:02:53-07:00May 4th, 2021|4-day workweek, Business and work, Media, Top post|Comments Off on Talking about the 4-day week on KQED Forum
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