Deena Shanker on digital sabbaths
One of the chapters of the book that I most enjoyed writing looks at digital Sabbaths, and how to make them work. So I perked up at Quartz writer Deena
Skip to contentOne of the chapters of the book that I most enjoyed writing looks at digital Sabbaths, and how to make them work. So I perked up at Quartz writer Deena
Tuesday’s Bored and Brilliant challenge is an interesting one for me, because I agree with it, with some strong reservations. Here it is: Your instructions: See the world
WNYC’s Bored and Brilliant challenge starts today. What’s on the agenda? As you move from place to place, keep your phone in your pocket, out of your direct
Another country with a kids' digital detox camp: Brazil! "If at least we could take selfies in the bathroom, I wouldn't mind so much not having access to
This is an interesting new app for Android users: Android addicted? Heavy app user? Need more control over your apps? AppDetox helps you to calm down your mobile
So much for taking a digital sabbath and getting away from your timeline. Tech Crunch reports: Back in November, Twitter announced plans to implement a number of new
The Art of Manliness has a guide to taking a tech sabbath on Gawker. The highlights: Kick things off with a whole "Input Deprivation Week.” Choose the timeframe
Michael Harris’ The End of Absence: Reclaiming what we've lost in a world of constant connection come out this week, and to mark its publication, Penguin is doing something
I published a short piece on Medium about digital Sabbaths. I was inspired to write it by Jessica Valenti's entirely unobjectionable piece in The Guardian about how deleting
From The Oatmeal. A reminder that spending time offline is no longer just for people with bumper stickers on their Prius that say "This car stops for satori."