
“Many modern workplaces, with their lures of perks and prestige, are increasingly resembling the Fyre festival”

Bruce Daisley, podcaster, Twitter executive, and author of The Joy of Work and the forthcoming Eat Sleep Work Repeat, has a short and great piece in The Guardian

By |2020-05-21T11:53:19-07:00August 28th, 2019|4-day workweek, Books and reading, SHORTER|1 Comment

Planet Money on “Japan’s Worker Shortage” and working hours

NPR’s Planet Money has a piece on efforts in Japan to allow people to work less: Some companies in Japan are going bankrupt because of the country's critical

By |2021-11-20T23:12:23-08:00July 12th, 2019|4-day workweek, Business and work, Politics and Policy, SHORTER|Comments Off on Planet Money on “Japan’s Worker Shortage” and working hours
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