
About askpang

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So far askpang has created 1896 blog entries.

“high-achieving people might be unintentionally harming their kids by bringing their attitudes about work into their parenting”

Psychologist Shefali Tsbary makes the case that high-achieving people might be unintentionally harming their kids by bringing their attitudes about work into their parenting. "In this culture we

By |2016-05-31T07:09:14-07:00May 31st, 2016|Kids, Quotes|Comments Off on “high-achieving people might be unintentionally harming their kids by bringing their attitudes about work into their parenting”

Manage Stress by Listening to Your Body – Mindful

A new study in the journal Biological Psychology suggests that people with better body awareness tend to feel less stressed. That’s no surprise, perhaps, if you’ve already been practicing mindfulness, but may seem odd

By |2016-05-31T06:15:32-07:00May 31st, 2016|Science|Comments Off on Manage Stress by Listening to Your Body – Mindful

I’m back

For the last few weeks I've been finishing the revisions to my book on deliberate rest, and so have been focused on that instead of the blog. As much

By |2016-05-25T11:24:06-07:00May 25th, 2016|REST|Comments Off on I’m back
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