Freelancers need to rest, too
Manchester-based Web site Creative Boom has an article urging freelancers to "ditch the freelance guilt:" The first couple of years of freelancing weren't exactly a walk in the park.
Skip to contentManchester-based Web site Creative Boom has an article urging freelancers to "ditch the freelance guilt:" The first couple of years of freelancing weren't exactly a walk in the park.
REST has received some excellent reviews in places like the New York Times and... well, there's no place quite like the New York Times, but it's gotten positive press
For years I've been fascinated by the "extended minds" thesis, the claim that we should regard our minds not as confined to our brains, but including brains, bodies
The World Economic Forum blog has an Olivia Goldhill piece that argues for the importance of "wasted" time. when we spend so long frantically chasing productivity, we refuse
Maria Shriver has an excerpt of REST on her Web site on this Memorial Day weekend. As she explains, a respect for leisure and rest isn’t something I grew
I just heard that the Portuguese edition of REST, Descansar: A razão pela qual conseguimos fazer mais quando trabalhamos menos, will be out in June. The cover is a
The Japanese edition of REST will be out pretty soon (next Friday, I think), and the publisher sent me the cover and bookband. I don't know why bookbands
Monty Python's John Cleese has given a number of talks over the years about creativity. Today runner and academic Peter Francis tweeted out a link to a talk Cleese gave that
Psychiatrist and Neuro Business Group founder Srini Pillay has a short piece on the Harvard Business Review blog arguing that "Your Brain Can Only Take So Much Focus," but
The Greater Good Science Center's Web site has an excerpt from REST about "How Resting More Can Boost Your Productivity:" Rest has a bad rap in our culture.