New interview on Tracking Wonder with Srini Pillay
The Tracking Wonder podcast has an interview with me and Srini Pillay, a psychiatrist and author of Tinker Dabble Doodle Try. It was a good time, in part
Skip to contentThe Tracking Wonder podcast has an interview with me and Srini Pillay, a psychiatrist and author of Tinker Dabble Doodle Try. It was a good time, in part
Okay, first a caveat: I go to a few Oakland As games every season, but I'm not a baseball fanatic; I married into the game. My wife agreed
Finland has been running a limited experiment with Universal Basic Income, and has decided to pull the plug. The experiment with so-called universal basic income has captured global
Daniel Payne, writing in the Daily Mississippian, makes the case for college students paying attention to rest: Hours of caffeine-fueled work with breaks only long enough to change
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett were interviewed by Charlie Rose (I don't know the date it aired, sorry), and in this excerpt on YouTube, Gates talks about what
Samuel Arbesman writes in The Atlantic about " The Hubris of Biohacking: this hacking ethos relies on the idea that if people can just collect more data to
In my book The Distraction Addiction I talked about how humans have evolved to have incredibly powerful relationships with technologies, starting with hand axes a million years ago,
Within the discipline of history, the effort to use theories from the human and natural sciences-- e.g., psychology, psychoanalysis, biology, and other fields-- to explain historical change is
According to Fast Company, A new survey suggests creative professionals are being asked to do more work in less time–and it’s taking a toll. The survey found that
I've long been sympathetic to, but also skeptical, of the claim that you should "do what you love" or pursue your passion no matter what. For one thing,